Content Solutions

The content industry contains a set of steps that seek to attract the attention of customers and appear in several forms "written, visual or audio".

Content Solutions

The content industry contains a set of steps that seek to attract the attention of customers and appear in several forms "written, visual or audio".

The basic steps that the content industry goes through:

  • planning
  • Idea and inspiration
  • Content writing
كتابة الإعلانات الممولة

Paid Ads

Content that aims to sell directly on social media platforms, and the ads aim to focus on highlighting the unique selling point that you have in your project, and it must contain an address formula to attract the customer’s attention.

Paid advertising Content.

كتابة السيناريو2

Scenario writing

Scenario writing differs from other types of writing because it focuses on an accurate description of scenes according to certain rules, to make things easier for the photography and video production team. It is the plan that the cinematic movie or any video that does not rely on improvisation follows.

Scenario writing

كتابة المحتوى التسويقيjpg 2

Marketing content writing

The process of planning, creating, distributing, and publishing content through various advertising and media channels, such as: social media, websites, and applications; This is to achieve multiple objectives, such as: reaching your target audience, increasing brand awareness, increasing sales, and gaining customer loyalty.

Marketing content writing

كتابة المحتوى التفاعلي 2

Writing interactive content

It is the content that forms a mixture of text, video, image... and is able to influence the behavior of the consumer to him, by providing a unique experience that exceeds his expectations and what awaits him, and as a result, prompts him to take an action or action in which he responds to this content.

Writing interactive content

كتابة المحتوى الرسمي 2

Writing official content

It contains valuable information and numbers, and the official content can be displayed in a funny way or a video to provide important information or services to the public, which prompts them to interact with the brand's publications.

Writing official content

كتابه محتوى المقالات بمعايير SEO 2

Writing content with SEO standards

Writing content for articles compatible with SEO [SEO] to ensure that the website appears in the first search results.

Writing content with SEO standards