Marketing Solutions

In light of the development of business in its various fields, the field of marketing has also developed a lot, as technology has provided the opportunity to use modern methods of marketing, which is to easily reach the largest possible base of customers, in record time and at the lowest possible cost, as e-marketing, especially through social networking sites, has become one of the most important and prominent ways to achieve goals.


Marketing Solutions

In light of the development of business in its various fields, the field of marketing has also developed a lot, as technology has provided the opportunity to use modern methods of marketing, which is to easily reach the largest possible base of customers, in record time and at the lowest possible cost, as e-marketing, especially through social networking sites, has become one of the most important and prominent ways to achieve goals.

إنشاء استراتيجية التسويق الرقمي 1

Create a digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing strategy is the process of defining goals, plans, tactics, resources, schedule, and standards for implementing marketing campaigns across digital channels.

Create a digital marketing strategy

التسويق عبر المحتوى

Content Marketing

There is a common phrase that always resonates among marketers and businessmen, which is "Content is king", and this famous phrase indicates how important content is in the marketing process for companies and persuasion for customers. Content marketing is an indirect type of marketing that involves creating and sharing online materials such as videos, blogs, social media posts and websites, which often do not explicitly and directly promote the brand but aim to motivate the audience to pay attention to its products or services.

Content Marketing

التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني

Email Marketing

If you want to reach a certain segment of customers, especially businessmen, office holders and managers, you must pay attention to marketing through e-mail, think with us why? Certainly, this practical segment is more interested in browsing e-mail than browsing various social networking sites, so the possibility of accessing this layer and other layers by e-mail is relatively large compared to the method of reaching them through social networking sites.

Email Marketing

التسويق عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي 1

Social Media Marketing

Who doesn't use social media? There is definitely no home in the early 2020s in the area around you that does not know or use social media. Quite simply, it has become the easiest and fastest way to reduce distances and make the world a small village gathered in one platform. Imagine that you can meet friends from Rome, Italy, while you are in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia So let's say you're the owner of a business, imagine how much profit you have on your company when you can reach all these potential customers?

Social Media Marketing


Search Engine Marketing (SEO)

We need to explain SEO and keywords. and back link According to Google's definition of search engines, SEO is the process of doubling the number of visitors to a particular site by making sure that this site appears from the first in the list of results that the search engine shows when someone searches for something related to the field of this business.

Search Engine Marketing (SEO)

التسويق عبر الإعلانات الممولة

Sponsored Advertising Marketing

Each product has different consumers and target audience. Thus to market it is important to know the nature of the customers and where the target audience spends their time to target ads correctly.

Sponsored Advertising Marketing

التسويق عبر google retail 1

Google Retail Marketing

A marketing tool from Google that specializes in selling through online stores

Google Retail Marketing

Create a digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing strategy is the process of defining goals, plans, tactics, resources, schedule and standards for implementing marketing campaigns through digital channels.

Create a digital marketing strategy ... More
  • Current Situation Analysis (SWAT) 

  • Strategic Objectives :
    •  Distinguish the brand from other competitors.

    • Spreading brand awareness and enhancing strengths.

    • Develop content and advertising message on social media platforms to reach potential customers.
  • Customer Journey:

    • Awareness

    • Attention

    • Conversion

    • Purchase

    • Maintain

  • Performance measurement indicators 
    • Awareness indicator

    • Interest indicator

    • Conversion indicator

    • Customer loyalty indicator

Digital Content Strategy ... More
  • تحليل المنافسين
  • بحث الكلمات المفتاحية للمنافسين
  • الجمهور المستهدف
  • سهولة الوصول وصعوبة الوصول
  • دخل منخفض ودخل مرتفع
  • تقويم المحتوى التسويقي
  • الافكار التسويقية للعلامة التجارية
Search Engine Strategy and Positioning Google Ads ... More


  • Analysis of the current situation of the position
  • keyword analysis
  • homepage analysis
  • internal and external links analysis
  • image and video formats analysis
  • local SEO analysis
  • geo-targeting
  • Measurement indicators (search engines – website)
Digital Channels Strategy ... More
  • How to activate digital channels periodically according to the features of each channel to increase access to the largest possible number of interested users.
  • Preparing content to suit the customer’s journey through digital channels or for the website or application to make a purchase decision directly.
  • Presence in social media platforms intensively.
  • Channel analysis.
  • Competitor analysis.
Paid advertising strategy. ... More
  • Funded campaigns on social media platforms
  • Identify the appropriate platforms according to the target audience
  • Brand Awareness
  • Research and selection phase
  • Decision Making and Purchasing Phase
  • Retargeting
Marketing Activities ... More
  • Create a content calendar
  • Create a slogander and enhance the colors of the visual identity of the brand.
  • Update visual identity.
  • Sponsored Advertising Marketing social media.
  • Promotions & Competitions
  • Design interactive content for social media accounts.
Performance Measurement Indicator ... More
  • Identify The annual goal
  •  Number of followers on social media platforms
  •  Social Media Reports (Appearance-Interactivity)
  •  Campaign reports (impression rate – response with advertising)
  •  Location reports (proportion of visits -performance improvement)
إنشاء استراتيجية التسويق الرقمي

Paid advertising

This is the main type of ads in Snapchat, which comes as an ad in the middle of the content Stories that the audience follows naturally and is a regular or animated image or videos. It is possible that advertisers get several benefits from the quality of traditional Snap Ads, whether directing to websites or mobile applications on iOS or Android platforms or obtaining answers to a specific topic through Form or even directing the audience to watch a long video on An external platform if the ad is a video.

Snap Ads

This is the main type of ads in Snapchat, which comes as an ad in the middle of the content Stories that the audience follows naturally and is a regular or animated image or videos. It is possible that advertisers get several benefits from the quality of traditional Snap Ads, whether directing to websites or mobile applications on iOS or Android platforms or obtaining answers to a specific topic through Form or even directing the audience to watch a long video on An external platform if the ad is a video.

Collection Ads

This type of advertising on Snapchat mainly aims to display the products offered by the brand or company to the target audience of the advertising campaign, while providing the possibility of shopping and direct communication with the owner of the activity and displayed continuously while browsing Stories on the Snapchat application.

Story Ads

Ads of this type are displayed in the Discovery section within the popular content that is carefully filtered on the Snapchat application according to what each user cares about, and the company allows displaying between three to 20 stories in each ad on Snapchat to display the products and services it seeks to promote or even discounts, temporary offers, and others.

Filter Ads

This type is the most unique and innovative in the Snapchat business application, as the filters are very popular with users in the Snapchat application, which makes them one of the things that 60% of the application’s users see daily, taking into account the numbers we mentioned for active users around the world.

The company allows advertisers to target customers through Filter Ads by geographic location, timing, or when it is located near a specific geographical location, making it one of the most effective tools in achieving immediate results.


Whatever the size or type of commercial or service activity of the institution or company, it is most likely to resort to advertising for several reasons, the most important of which is to educate the public about the brand, make a fuss about it, and finally to entice people to buy the company’s products or use the services it advertises.

Boosted Posts

When you post any type of post on your Page, you can promote it to a specific audience by paying Facebook to prioritize that post to appear in front of your target audience, helping you increase the reach of those interested in your business as well as increase their interaction with what you post.

Facebook Ads

This is done through a specialized platform called Ads Manager, which contains a wide range of different sections and options for creating advertising campaigns. With it, you can create and retarget Custom Audiences as well as create Audiences Lookalike audiences for previous audiences you’ve created within Ads Manager before .

Feed ads

Achieve high visibility for your business with Feed ads When you run an ad in the Facebook Groups feed, it appears next to Community posts News Feed Mobile online.

Stories & Rails Ads

Share a rich story at the VFX level with premium vertical ads in full screen mode.

Explorer ads

You can achieve visibility of your business as people search on Facebook or Instagram.

Message ads

Send offers or updates to people who are already connected to your business.

In-article ads

 You can interact with people by reading content from publishers.

Statistics show that more than 1.5 billion people use YouTube every month, a figure that means that more than a third of people use the Internet around the world. The viewership on this platform reaches more than a billion hours per day; for this reason, the idea of advertising on YouTube is a very exciting idea, and that is why marketers should make the most of this platform to the point that their business flourishes, as YouTube allows marketers to reach this large and diverse audience by using its advertising service easily.

TrueView Ads

Among the types of this ad we find those skippable ads that appear immediately before watching a video on YouTube. TrueView ads can run between 12 seconds and 6 minutes, making them ideal for long-form video content that makes product demos, customer testimonials, or explainer presentations .This type of advertising comes in turn in 2 different ways.

TrueView discovery

This type of ad appears directly below the YouTube search icon on the home page or on the side while videos are playing. It can be distinguished from actual content on the platform by having an ad tag underneath. You pay for this ad only when the viewer clicks on it.

In-stream Ads

In-stream ads appear before, during, or after a YouTube video. What distinguishes these ads is that after only 5 seconds the viewer can either skip watching the ad or complete it, that’s why you should make sure to get attention during those first 5 seconds.

Bumper Ads

These are the very short, skippable ads that you see before a video that is only 6 seconds long. Unlike TrueView ads, payment on this type of ad is based on impressions where you pay every 1,000 times your ad appears.

Non-skippable Ads

Non-skippable ads are 15 to 20 seconds long and can appear before the video. Or, if the video is longer than 10 minutes, it can appear midstream.

The premium part of LinkedIn is the custom way to find your target audience. Building and targeting the right people is key to a successful marketing campaign. LinkedIn ads allow you to target people based on title, location, job role, company size and function. You can also target by interest and other metrics and today it’s not just about reaching the decision-maker.

Sponsored content

Sponsored ad Content is a promoted post from a company that appears on LinkedIn member feeds. A single posting of a posting to a relevant website may contain text, image, video, or links of the advertiser’s choice. Sponsored ad Content can be defined by terms like Promoted or Sponsored ad that appear in the upper-right corner of the post, under the company name.

Text ads

Text ads appear on the right rail or at the top of a banner from many pages on LinkedIn.

 These ads may include text only or may also include an image, such as the advertising company logo. Clicking on a text ad will take you to a website chosen by the advertiser.

Sponsored messaging

For supported messages includes message ads and chat ads

 These native ads are displayed in LinkedIn messaging members

This audience targeting document is created based on segments selected by the advertiser, rather than being sent to specific individuals identified by the advertiser.

Message and chat ads appear on both desktop and mobile devices when members are active on LinkedIn.

. Can be identified by the word Sponsored Declaration in the subject line

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads are personalized ads that change dynamically for each member. Dynamic ads use each member’s profile picture, name, and job tasks to create personalized ads. Note: Each member sees their own personalized information, and their profile information isn’t shown to other members.

Members can also opt out of allowing their profile information to be used to personalize ads.

Dynamic ads may be for advertising companies you may be interested in, or professional jobs or content that are right for you.

They may also appear in the left bar of LinkedIn for on the desktop when a member signs in to their LinkedIn account.

 In Mail

This ad format delivers messages addressed to LinkedIn members’ inboxes. According to LinkedIn, these ads are more successful at generating conversions from emails.

Keep in mind that LinkedIn members can opt out of receiving ads

 TikTok Ads or TikTok ads are one of the digital marketing strategies that have gained great importance in the last two years, as TikTok adopts a hierarchical building for advertising on its platform, which consists of three levels: Campaigns, Ad Groups and Ads.

Campaigns consist of ad groups, so that each ad group includes 20 TikTok ads at most.

Video ads

You can simply create a video ad using the amazing TikTok tools or upload a ready-made video to the platform to create a TikTok ad. We will expand shortly on this type of Tik Tok advertisement.

Image ads

The TikTok platform does not support this type of ads but you can create them to display on TikTok’s partner app platforms. TikTok Ads or TikTok ads (video ads in particular) are displayed on the TikTok platform and in partner applications (BuzzVideo, TopBuzz, Babe), and their sizes differ according to their placements (i.e., the places where TikTok ads are displayed).

Brand Acquisition Announcements

Brand acquisition advertisements: Spreading awareness about this brand or in order to attract a large number of potential customers by advertising the name and mark of the company.

“Top view” ads

“Top View” ads: This TikTok advertisement is a clear and full screen that may reach a length of 60 seconds or a full minute on a specific topic in the videos, which is automatically played with image and sound as soon as you open the application.

Special effects and visuals ads

Special effects and visuals ads: It is one of the distinctive ads that are used to enhance user interaction and raise awareness about the brand. So that they appear in the application for ten days continuously.

Hashtag Challenge Ads

Hashtag Challenge Ads: These ads appear on the main page of the “Hashtag” challenge and appear within the videos created by the user, and it is one of the most important Tik Tok ads.

TikTok Market

TikTok Marketplace: So that services and products are displayed and marketed significantly and directly through the content creator. So that it supports direct purchase or transfer to the site page or to the online store.

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