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What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections

e-marketing appeared a long time ago, and due to the increase in the number of users of the Internet in general and social media platforms in particular, companies relied on e-marketing to a large extent to support and strengthen their marketing efforts. The success of the e-marketing strategy is attributed to the ease of reaching the target audience and interacting with it. E-marketing and what are its benefits and sections.

What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections
What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections

What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections

E-marketing is the marketing of products and services over the Internet, and this is done through good planning and implementation to promote both products and services via the Internet. E-marketing facilitates companies to quickly reach customers and reduce advertising costs. E-marketing uses several means such as emails, SMS messages and campaigns. Electronic advertising, and electronic marketing is called by several names “online marketing” or “digital marketing”.

We must know very well that e-marketing is not born today or yesterday, but the beginning of the nineties was the first launch of the field of e-marketing, and its emergence was at the hands of major companies such as Google and Yahoo, and from here it was the beginning of an era of prosperity and development in the field of marketing.

Benefits of e-marketing

What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and divisions After we got acquainted with the concept of e-marketing together, we get to know its many benefits, so we find that e-marketing has many advantages and benefits for both the marketer and the customer. The benefits of e-marketing are in the following:

Universal access:

 E-marketing allows marketers to reach their ads to the global framework, not just the local one, as it previously allowed many brands such as (Amazon – Microsoft – Google – Tik Tok – Facebook) to reach the global market.

Wider and faster access:

Quick access to the largest number of audiences, so e-marketing helps you reach the largest number of customers targeted by the marketing plan and is likely to purchase services or products. Also, e-marketing can follow up on the success rate of the adopted marketing plan or whether it needs adjustments.

Cost reduction:

 E-marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing. We find that advertising campaigns on television, newspapers, or distributed paper advertising campaigns cost millions, in contrast to electronic marketing. An initial low-cost advertising campaign can be started.

Available all the time:

One of the most important advantages of e-marketing is that it has no specific time restrictions. It can be marketed 24 hours a day, every day of the week, and this allows customers to browse products and services and obtain them at any time, and therefore it has a major role in increasing sales and profits, and there is a relationship There is a direct correlation between increased supply and increased sales. The higher the exposure rate, the higher the sales rate.

Creativity and out of the ordinary: E-marketing has an important factor for the success of the marketing plan, whether it is for a product or a service. It is the factor of innovation and renewal in designing a distinctive advertisement in an attractive way that attracts customers.

• Tracking customer behavior: E-marketing provides a great opportunity to learn about customer behavior through answers to questions asked by customers, buying and selling operations, and also by analyzing the target group of the marketing campaign to obtain the best results.

• immediate reaction: The secret of the success of e-marketing is the speed of response and response to the audience’s inquiries wherever they are. That speed in meeting their needs is a major reason for the success and development of technological growth at a tremendous speed.

Multiple Assessment Methods: E-marketing has several methods that make it suitable for all businesses and ages. The more methods of the marketing plan, the more desired results will be achieved in the least time.

• Performance Analysis: E-marketing makes it possible to analyze interaction rates with marketing campaigns with high accuracy, through analysis tools such as

Which provides you with tracking the number of visits, clicks, and interaction rates, buying and selling.

What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections
What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections

E-marketing departments

In the context of our talk about what is e-marketing and what are its benefits and its divisions, and after we have spoken previously that one of the most important advantages of e-marketing is the multiplicity of its tools and methods, which made it suitable for all businesses and ages, and the multiplicity of marketing methods has the greatest credit for the success of e-marketing. If one or more types are used in one marketing plan This increases the opportunity to display products and services to customers, thus increasing purchases and achieving the desired goal of the marketing campaign. Together, we learn about the types of e-marketing in detail:

Marketing through search engines

First, we have to get to know the term search engine optimization, which is an art and science through which search engines are persuaded to recommend the content of the site and show it in the first results for researchers. This is done by following two rules, either SEO or SEM.

A strategy with medium and long-term performance that is not immediate for results, and this is done by creating good content that complies with SEO rules, and then you get excellent results and many visits to the site.It is search engine marketing through paid advertising and thus guarantees you an immediate place at the top of the search results.

The difference between SEO & SEM

The website has many tasks, but the main task is to put the products and services of companies on the Internet in a way that attracts visitors and fits the rules of search engines and converts site visitors into customers who continue to visit and click on the site without visits like a store without goods, so the e-marketer must organize and increase the traffic on the site to get to satisfactory results.

It is one of the types of e-marketing and achieves its marketing benefit for brands and services through the power of popular social networks (Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram,…). This is done through a strategy with clear and measurable objectives. The marketing strategy must include:

Profiles related to the product or service offered and must be maintained and developed continuously.

Work on designing and publishing photos and videos to attract public attention to the promoted brands.

Rapid response to customer comments and inquiries is a very important factor

Follow up the interaction of followers and the spread of promotional publications

In addition to the above, you can create a paid advertisement for the appearance of your product or service in front of a large number of audiences (the target group chosen according to the marketing plan).

Benefits of social media marketing

Social media has become one of the most important and largest effective marketing channels, whether free or paid, the following is an overview of the benefits of e-marketing through social media:

• Adding a personal imprint: This is reflected in your work as it creates a kind of friendliness and trust between you and customers due to their interaction with you and their identification with you through your personal profile.

• Increase visits to the site: as a result of the link between your profile and the site link, whether it is in publications, advertisements or explicit links, this increases the traffic on your website and is also an important factor for improving and strengthening search indicators, and thus visitors increase and then they turn into customers

• Building relationships and collecting information: Through direct and indirect comments and discussions across the platforms, you can build a strong base of information and data about individuals and target them in the marketing plan.

• Spreading and quick recognition of the brand: Communication platforms provide you with a good visual nature with a large number of audiences, which you can benefit from by introducing the public to the brands and services that you want to market about.

3)Content marketing

Content marketing is an important strategy in e-marketing, and the content must be valuable, interesting, appropriate, and clear in order to attract the audience’s attention and ultimately give customers a push to take action on the offered product or service. It is not a requirement that the content be only promotional in order to obtain the best marketing results, but it must be useful to customers because this earns them confidence in you. Content marketing is an important pillar for all types of e-marketing, and this is beneficial, for example in:

Search Engine Optimization:

As a result of publishing high-quality content that is free from copying, errors, and useful, search engines reward companies for that by showing them in the first results of customer searches.

-Marketing through social media:

 Before the marketing stage comes the most important stage, which is preparing good content that attracts the attention of the target audience.

-Inbound Marketing:

 Content is the basis of increasing traffic and customers for the site.

Benefits of content marketing

Cost saving.

-Increases sales.

-Allows you to deal with new permanent customers who have greater loyalty and honesty.

4)Email Marketing

Email marketing is a form of e-marketing, e-mail is used for marketing and promoting products and business services, in addition to attracting customers and reminding them of offers, services and discounts from time to time, and you can also implement a campaign to educate customers about new brands to ensure that the purchase process starts from them.

Benefits of email marketing

Compels the user to take action as a result of the presence of messages on the email forces the user to take action negatively by scanning the jQuery or positively by purchasing the product or service or visiting the website.

It is the main communication channel for more than 99% of Internet users.

The average value of an email purchase is three times higher than that made through social media marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process through which marketing and promoting a special product or service for a person or company and obtaining a commission for purchases and buying and selling operations are tracked through one site to another through certain links. As a result of being a profitable and mutually beneficial method for the seller and the marketer, it has become a great base in the field of e-marketing.

How affiliate marketing works

Affiliate marketing is done by distributing tasks and responsibilities to a group of individuals and as a result of sharing a percentage of profits, this increases the effectiveness of marketers’ performance, and this is done by involving three parties to start a successful marketing process, namely:

Seller or service owner.

The advertiser, whether it is a company or a marketer.

6)Online advertising

It is a procedure to attract public attention to a specific product, service or offer through paid promotional digital channels. It is a type of electronic marketing and includes all types of advertisements that appear on the Internet and digital channels of all kinds.

Advantages of online advertising

Covers a wide range locally and globally.

Attracting a large number of visits to the site and thus increasing sales.

Ease of choosing the target group, such as advertising airline tickets on a tourist trips website.

Affordable rates are available to start ads at a low cost.

You can track the audience’s reaction to your online advertisement through web analysis platforms such as Google Analytics.
Landing page marketing

It is a web page whose designs aim to move customers from the stage of interest in the product or service to an actual buyer. The best way to attract attention and visit the landing page is by e-mail. The landing page is called (the landing page) and it is called landing because it is the page on which the visitor lands by clicking on a direct link in an advertising campaign, whether on e-mail, communication platforms or Google ads, and then the visitor reaches the landing page and sees offers similar to his interests and takes some Time to finally make a purchase decision.

Advantages of a landing page or landing page

It has one goal, and as a result, it provides customers with enough information about the offered product and helps them to take action.

The clean, clear design provides user focus and easy navigation with fewer links and distractions.

Clearly increase the number of visits and clicks on the site.

The speed in registering and directing visitors makes him feel triumphant and superior and motivated to make a purchase decision.

What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections
What is e-marketing and what are its benefits and sections

8. Smartphone marketing

Mobile marketing is a type of electronic or digital marketing that relies on promoting and delivering information about a product or service to the public by messaging them via mobile.

Advantages of smartphone marketing


-The mobile phone is a personal device that does not leave everyone and they carry it wherever they go, unlike computers and televisions that can be away from them for a while, so mobile marketing allows immediate and rapid access to the public.

-The abundance and speed of its marketing tools: It provides in the mobile several marketing methods that allow the marketer to choose the most suitable for him, such as applications, sms and mms messages.

Low cost: Availability of a large part of the financial aspect.-

-Purchasing through mobile phones: In the recent period, the percentage of purchasing through mobile phones has increased to one-third.

-Widespread use of mobile phones: Who among us does not have a mobile phone, as adults and children have a mobile phone and spend the most time on it, which facilitates the marketing process.

Video marketing

Video marketing is the use of video content to promote and tell the audience useful information about products and services. As a result of attracting attention, more than half of the companies use it in the process of promoting and advertising brands

Advantages of video marketing

Attracting the audience’s attention: The more interesting the content, the more it attracts attention and makes purchasing decisions.

Inexpensive: Designing a promotional video has become inexpensive with the development of technological tools.

Works on a large scale: One of the most important advantages is that it can be used on all channels for e-marketing.

A clear presentation and adequate explanation of products, brands and services:

 It provides customers with sufficient explanation and information to help the customer make the appropriate decision.

Viral mass marketing

It is a type of word-of-mouth marketing and was called viral because of the speed of its spread among customers. This is done by sending a quick and specific marketing message, at the end of which you are required to take a reaction. Despite the great development of e-marketing, word-of-mouth marketing is indispensable because it creates a kind of friendliness and credibility among the public about products and brands.

The most important ways to succeed in e-marketing

After we know what e-marketing is, what are its benefits and sections, we have to talk together about the best ways that help the success of e-marketing, which are:

create quality content :

It is always better to take care of quality in order to convince customers to buy.

-Choosing the appropriate marketing method:

 An important factor for the success of the marketing strategy is choosing the best method suitable for the product and target group.

-Determine the budget for the advertising campaign:

According to the budget set for marketing, you choose the best type suitable for financial possibilities. –

-Conducting research:

Extensive product research and marketing steps before starting are very important for the success of the marketing plan.

-Clearly define the goal:

 The main goal of e-marketing, whether a product or service, must be determined to reach the best results.

Understand and choose the target group correctly:

 You have to study customer questions and choose the target group interested in the marketing campaign in order to get the desired result.

What we mentioned in our article about what is e-marketing, what are its benefits and sections, is only a few of the sea of information about e-marketing, and you can learn more through our Future Vision website. To get the best marketing services in the Kingdom, contact us today and start promoting your brand.

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